I Know My Alef Bet! Activity Packet


90+ pages of Hebrew lesson plans & materials!

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If you want to teach your children the letters and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet, along with common vocabulary, then this packet is for you! It includes over 90 pages of material, including lesson plans, flash cards, bingo cards, letter dice, and more. What’s even better is that you don’t need ANY knowledge of Hebrew to use this packet, and to successfully teach your child the Alef Bet. Everything is transliterated clearly in English, broken down by syllable so you can be confident that you’re pronouncing the words correctly.

The vocabulary used in this packet also appears in The Kefar Clothespin Cards, and The Kefar Tiny Alef Bet Book Series, so you can use these materials together to help reinforce the information, and give your children a comprehensive Hebrew learning experience.

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