The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Bo, which is in Shemot (Exodus) chapter 10 vs 1 to chapter 13 vs 16. The complete Hebrew text of Bo can be found at To read Bo in...
The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Va’eira/Wa’eira, which is in Shemot (Exodus) chapter 6 vs 2 to chapter 9 vs 35. The complete Hebrew text of Va’eira/Wa’eira can be found...
The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Shemot, which is in Shemot (Exodus) chapter 1 vs 1 to chapter 6 vs 1. The complete Hebrew text of Shemot can be found at To...
The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Vayechi [Wayechi], which is in Bereshit (Genesis) chapter 47 vs 28 to chapter 50 vs 26. This is the last parsha in the book of Bereshit (Genesis). The complete Hebrew text...
The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Vayigash [Wayigash], which is in Bereshit (Genesis) chapter 44 vs 18 to chapter 47 vs 27. The complete Hebrew text of Vayigash [Wayigash], can be found at...
The Kefar Parsha Quiz for next week’s parsha has been posted! We will be studying Mikeitz, which is in Bereshit (Genesis) chapter 41 vs 1 to chapter 44 vs 17. The complete Hebrew text of Mikeitz can be found at To...